Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Battle Report: Skirmish #5 Skaven vs Ironjawz , Assassinate

An encamped warband is a stubborn target. A canny attacker knows that a prolonged conflict with such a foe should be avoided; it is better to act swiftly and pierce the beating heart of the warband – the leader around which they rally.
The fifth match was the Assassinate mission. The goal of the assassin is to kill the defending player's general before the 5th battle round. 

The sneaky skaven is hiding half of his force in the forest before the battle begins
The warbands are slowly expanding, I spent my points on another Gore Grunta and the skaven recruited a Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team.

I rolled to be in the middle waiting for my fate. My brother decided to attack me from two sides and split his force accordingly.

TURN 1 - Skaven

The first hit of the Poison Wind Mortar Team in the entire skirmish
Head on assault on the Ironjaws, with the full power of the skaven. Heavy casualities on both sides, some fleeing clanrat, but the Megaboss is untouched. 
This round's lucky model was my Brute, who survived the attack of the Warpfire Thrower, Warlock Engineer, one Rat Ogre, and 2 clanrats. With just one wound he still stands.

TURN 1 - Ironjawz

It is easier to see the result of the skaven turn on this map
The orks easily killed the clanrats still remaining around, causing the Warpfire Team to flee as well.
The Rat Ogres are still standing, but I felt the winds of victory already.

TURN 2 - Skaven

Desperate last charge of the Assassin General
The skaven could not make the damage he needed to win this round. The mortar team missing again, and the Rat Ogres had poor dice rolls as well. A spell killed one Gore Grunta but still I had a huge advantage in model count. My brother give up and I won a Major Victory.

Battle analysis

The initial big clash was the decided the battle. My armored  Warband standing shoulder to shoulder repelled the attack of the tiny rats. After this the skaven was not able to recover and was behind in model count and was just not able to make the damage needed to kill my models.

From the skaven point of view the attack from 2 side was and ideal choice, I would have done the same. Splitting the force in more than two squads would mean that each squad is very weak, and loosing quarter of the warband on a first turn charge from the Ironjawz is too much of a risk.

But nothing is lost yet. The final encounter is coming, and the winner will take the final Glory.
The skaven force is still strong, good positioning, lucky rolls and re-rolls can make the difference.

You can find the other games of this skirmish here:

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