Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Battle Report: Skirmish #2 Skaven vs Ironjawz , Treasure Hunt

When a report is received of a location where powerful artefacts may be hidden, a small, self-sufficient band of warriors is usually sent to investigate. When two opposing factions receive the same intelligence however, what started out as reconnaissance becomes a frantic scramble to secure treasures before the enemy can do the same.
The second skirmish game was the Treasure Hunt. The goal here is to dig up artefacts from five hoards and secure them by leaving more models there than the opposing warband.

Skaven starts at a Cursed cliffside, staying there could prove troublesome
Again I'm only mentioning scenery type which have any effect on the battle. This time the Skaven started in a corner with a Cursed cliff. On a roll of 1, it causes a wound which is equal to death for a Clanrat.
Objectives are represented by graves on the map.

TURN 1 - Ironjawz

Moving forward, securing objectives

On turn 1, I split my force to secure two objectives and also move to the middle to get the treasure from there as well. 

TURN 1+2 - Skaven

The Brute is killed by a shot of super-charged Warp Lighting

Skaven double turn. The cursed cliff killed one Clanrat, but thanks to the double turn all 3 free objectives was reached. One brute got killed by magic, I was not lucky with the unbinding roll.

TURN 2 - Ironjawz

Charging in and bashing some rats
Finally on my turn, I tried to clear the middle, leaving the southern objective, but suffered a casualty as well. Also the eastern Ardboy was moved away a little to be more safe from possible charges.

TURN 3 - Skaven

The nasty Warlock shooting down my boyz one by one with his Warp Lighting
The Skaven dominate the battlefield, only my Megaboss survived this round.
All treasures was uncovered by this turn, the Skaven controlling 4 of them.

TURN 3 - Ironjawz

"Cunning" retreat
I had no choice, but to retreat to the south grave, hoping that the remaining Clanrats or the Warlock Engineer will not be able to kill my leader.
I could survive till the end, so controlling one objective meant a minor loss for me and not a total defeat.

Battle analysis

The number of Skaven and the strong magic was too much to handle. I could kill some in the middle with a single charge, but I'm in a big disadvantage because of the low model count of my warband.

The other big problem is the Warlock Engineer shooting down the boyz one by one. With the Indomitable Will command ability my Megaboss has a chance to unbind the spell, but it is still not guaranteed.

The skaven force will grow faster in numbers than I will be able to keep up with them. So maybe more elite units like Gore Gruntas or an other hero will serve me better in the final encounter I'm already focusing on. Before the final battle it will be good if I can even achieve a draw.

You can find the other games of this skirmish here:

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