Friday, September 22, 2017

Ironjawz Gore Gruntas

Gore Gruntas are the fast moving heavy destroyers of the Ironjawz force.
Three riders, three eyes
With the 2017' Generals Handbook point reduction they are a very good flanking choice in my opinion. In bigger games it can worth it to field multiple units.
In Skirmish games they can be critical as well, reaching points of interests in round one, capturing points or blocking the enemy force from optimal positioning.
So far I enjoyed painting these models the best. There are so many interesting details on these giant pigs. Belts, armor, trophy pieces are all very detailed and adds much to the units character.
For the boss choppa I glued together two weapons to make it bigger.
This was the first model where I had difficulties in the assembling process. The ears was difficult to push in their place. The pair of ears comes in once piece and should be but in between the two sides of head, but it just doesn't slide together easily, you need to force it till it clicks together. Gluing the two ears separately on top of the head would have been more convenient.
It is a great sculpt otherwise this was my only concern with it.

I made the mistake of gluing the side armor panels before the painting, this caused some hard to reach areas, so I would recommend to paint these in sub assemblies. I will definitely do so for the next unit.

Sapphire eye in the face and in the skull
The armor and ork skin is following the army theme and I choose a dark brown tone tone for the pig fur to give a contrast to the bright orange.

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