Friday, August 25, 2017

About Me - Introduction

Hi Everybody!

I'm just starting my first blog ever, after a bit of preparations and thinking about what and how exactly I am planning to do here.
This blog is to track my hobby progress and to feed my addiction.
I hope that what I do here can give ideas and inspiration to others, because I also received much impulse and motivation from the community.
My first painted models from 2016

Here is my short story to introduce myself:

The Warhammer 40K universe always interested me and I am following the stories and reading the fluff for quite a long time.

My younger brother is also into the Grimdark, maybe more so than I am. Some years ago he received some small 40k boxes from his friend for birthday. They were push fit minis of Some Marines, Orks and Eldars and he built them but did not touch otherwise for years.

Finally in 2016 I borrowed these minies and decided to give him back painted as a gift for birthday.

All of these first minis are staying at my brothers room, visiting them as well when when I'm there.
I was hell of a proud, I even freehanded the Imperial Fists chapter symbol on the Space Marines.
Looking back on them after only one year of painting and I could not decide to smile or cry at the result and random highlights with pure white are the worst.

I had limited selection of colors to choose from, but I could have mixed colors or something... (2016)

The fists symbols still look Okayish (shaky hands) and to be critiqued bit later again with more experience.

I don't really like how the Eldar turned out. Biel-tan colour scheme is much closer to my taste, but I was missing the required colors back then to paint them that way. Also I was discoruaged because I heard that white is hard to paint well (so was yellow).
The painting may not stand out, but the bases makes these Eldar rise! (2016)

I'm not saying the red was a bad choice for first experience, it is just does not "POP" how I hoped.

I tried different things for basing. The Eldar bases are a bit overkill, but since these are not played with the towers are fine to keep on the shelf. The Orks are on a simple ruined base with some skulls and the Marines have some tickling tentacles for their Balls of Steel.

Orks satisfied me the most when painting the 3 different 'squads'. Da Boyz haz so much arakter!
I enjoyed painting them so much, wanted my own, so started to look on the web what to buy.

It was then when I found about the Ironjawz.

I was reading books and otherwise only following 40K on Youtube till then, and not really hanging out on Games Workshop's website.
The selection of the models were new to me. After checking the other Age of Sigmar models I was amazed, the look of the Ironjawz bought me in an instant.
Why didn't I know about these yet?
Yeah, maybe I was only drawn a little by the popular 40k flow till then, so I didn't really dig deep into Warhammer Fantasy in detail. Even though I am very interested in general fantasy, books, films, role play (dwarf rouge in heart). Age of Sigmar models in my opinion are much more interesting than 40K. Not only the look or details wise, but there are so many race and alliance to choose from.
Also very flexible story wise what units you can put together in your army when you don't play Matched games.

Still the Orks was my choice to start with, so the Start Collecting Ironjawz box was a logical choice. There are a lot of minis in there, I even like the 'Ardboys as well (I've read many negative critiques on them being in the box instead of brutes), doesn't matter if they are just some old models from the World That Was. They are pretty new to me and belongs in my new army now!

I was so excited about this whole thing that I could not resist to try something different for first.
Being very nooby at that time I didn't even know that kitbashing/converting was a thing, but I did it anyway.
(I was mostly reading 40k stories and yes I did see some decent well painted models, but I couldn't figure out if those were originals or modified.)
Kitbashed Black Ork Big Boss (2016)

The model is based on an Ardboy. The head is made out of two different heads halves.
The golden tooth, horns and some additional details are Greenstuff.
His shield is made out of Milliput, filed and carved. I also mixed his choppa to be both a mace and an axe. Boss weapons must be KILLY!

The point of this mini was mostly to try the color scheme and practice a little before starting the big project.
It is intentionally similar to Zedek's Weirdladz official scheme, but with dark blue armor parts instead of black.
I'm using more orange and also adding some gold details and symbols here and there on the final army scheme.

Following weekly posts will cover the army in more detail andx the story behind them.

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