Saturday, March 10, 2018

Rat Ogors

I finished my Rat Ogor unit this week.

Six more joins the two I already had, so a full unit of 8 Rat Ogors will fight the Ironjawz, reinforcing the Skaven army quite a bit.

I'm looking forward to playing with these beasts herded against the enemy by a Pack Master, enraging the giant rats and crush their enemies.

All eight models are based on the Rat Ogors came in the Spire of Dawn box. I made some kitbasing and greenstuffing on them to make them all different and look better on the table, so I don't have to play with 4-4 "clones" of the same base models.
Because the rules allow these to shoot, I tried to represent something on the models what allows them to do so. There are guns and warpstone magic things on six of them, because I wanted the two original models to remain as it is without modifications.

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