Friday, December 15, 2017

Skaven Heroes: Packmaster and Warlock Engineer

The remaining two Skaven Hero I have so far are the Packmaster and the Warlock Engieener.

The lighting caster and the monster herder

Again as for the previously presented skaven heroes the weapons got some extra love again when painting them.

I tired to paint glowing effect on the blade. It is really not looking like that but it is some interesting effect anyway, I'm statisfied.

These heroes were painted right after I finished 40 clanrats. I was not in my best form but wanted to finish the heroes as well and move on some more Ironjaws. So maybe the Skaven heroes were rushed a little, but going through that many clanrats in one go tested my patience a lot.

Shock-Prod ready for action!
The pale tone on the Packmaster is my favourite, it adds extra character to the model than the usual brown color.

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