Saturday, December 2, 2017

Skaven Heroes: Deathrunner and Warlord

The painting contest I'm preparing for was delayed to January, but the bright side of this is that now I have more time to finish. And if everything goes well, maybe even enter with another big piece.

This week I present you two of my Skaven heroes. I don't think they are good enough to enter to the contest with them, but I'm definitely satisfied with this look.

Skaven Warlord and the Deathrunner
For me, painting hero models it is a good opportunity to experiment with new techniques. For both of these models I spent extra work on the weapons.

Closer look on the details

I tried to do everything the exact same on both Deathrunner models to represent that one of them is just an Illusory Twin.

Which is the real one? :)

I painted a different weapon style on the Warlord. After all this was my time of experimenting with different techniques ans styles.

The gemstone on the base looks good as well

The weapons has some cold/icy feel to it

The darker skin tone on the Deathrunner is intentional, I like how it turned to be a Warp-Ninja.
The clothing on the Warlord is the only think that I would have been able to do better, but I was in a hurry to finish them and to be able to play a match already.

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