Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Skaven Warlord vs Ironjawz Brutes - Test Battle

On a distant land, in an centueries old ruin of unknown origin, one Skaven Warlord was cornered by five Ironjawz Brutes...

This time I wanted to test what happens if only one Skaven Warlord fights 5 Brutes.
- Can they keep each other busy for some Turns?
- Or is it an easy win for the Brutes?

1 Skaven Warlord vs 5 Ironjawz Brutes - Test Battle

  1st Test

Turn 1 (Warlord)

The Skaven Warlord attacks first, with a plan of finding the enemy Brutes weakness and only looking for openings at the beggining of the fight. It is very unfortunate that he was not able to Scurry Away from the fight before the Brutes were able to counter attack.
(0 damage, failed Strike and Scurry Away)

Turn 1 (Brutes)

Four Brutes can reach the Skaven on their counter attack, the Boss Grabs him with his Boss Klaw and then beats the Warlord's head with a Smasha.
(3 damage)

Another Brute swings his Jagged Gore Hacka with such a force that the Warlord has no chance to defend and the oversized two handed weapon cut his armored body in half.
(2 damage, Warlord dead)

The remaining brutes are in rage beacause they were too late from the fight, but their Boss is just laughing at them loudly.

  2nd Test

Turn 1 (Brutes)

The Brutes charging the Warlord immediately. The Brute Boss is the first to reach him, he Grabs the Skaven with his Klaw but the tiny armor somehow holds against the pressure and the Skaven slips out eventually.
(0 damage)

Another Orruk wielding the Brute Hacka makes huge swings with his blade, but could not hit the Warlod.
(0 damage)

Never mind, beacuse the reamining 3 Brutes tear the Skaven body to bits just a second later.
(5 damage, Warlord dead)

  3rd Test

Turn 1 (Warlord)

The Skaven Warlord has no other choice but to charge forward and go for the Brute Boss to kill him first. The Warlord aims for the head with his Halberd. The Boss defends it easily, but that was just a distraction, the Barbed Blade hits and cuts to the flesh, then he dances away before the Orruk can hit back.
(1 damge, succesfull Strike and Scurry Away)

Turn 1 (Brutes)

The Boss and the Hacka Boy are the first to charge on the running Skaven. The Boss just stomps him to the grunt smassing him once while running over him.
(3 damage)

The Hacka Boy keeps charging next to his boss, he didn't even noticed the Skaven falling to the ground.
(0 damage)

Turn 2 (Warlord)

The Warlord jumps up from the dust, and dip his blade twice in a neck of Brute just arriving. Then ignores the other brutes and runs away again in the opposite direction.
(2 damage, succesfull Strike and Scurry Away, 1 Brute dead)

Turn 2 (Brutes)

With one Brute just dead, only two of them remained in range to fight the Warlord. The Boss and the Hacka Boy is just turning back and noticing what happened. Two Brutes are still an owerwhelming force to the Skaven howewer. He can defend some blows but still suffers one hit.
(1 damage)

Turn 3 (Warlord)

Barely living and bleeding heavily, the Skaven Hero fights back, cuts down one leg and goes for the run again with a squeaky cry, in the oppsite direction from where the Boss is coming.
(1 damage, Succesfull Strike and Scurry Away)

Turn 3 (Brutes)

The Brutes can easily gain upon the wounded Warlord and finish him with a final cut in the back.
(1 damage, Warlord dead )

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