Saturday, March 17, 2018

Blood Raven Intercessor

At the painting contest in January my brother attended the local blood donation and he received a Primaris Intercessor as a gift for giving blood.
So it was given that it shall be painted as a Blood Raven.


I'm not really into Space Marines, but it was fun to paint this single miniature. It was also a very good piece to practice blending on the smooth armor surfaces. The helmet lens lighting I tried also look fine for a first try.

I painted freehand symbols on both shoulder pads. These took me about two hours each till I was satisfied with the looks. I wanted to paint a tiny skull on the tactical shoulder pad but I couldn't get it right in 3mm size, so went with 2 blood drops instead.


Just when I took the photo I noticed that I switched up the sides of the shoulder pads...
This happened because I painted the hands separately and put on the body later. No way I will repaint it now, this is an annoying mistake, but I learnt from it...

And finally the fun part. My latest work next to my first space marine. I also did my best back then, the freehand symbols looks fine on the old model, I'm still proud of that Fist. It was HARD to do!

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