Saturday, March 24, 2018

Ironjawz Shaman - Flame Vortex Vrogam

This is my Ironjawz shaman, Flame Vortex Vrogam. He likes fire so much, he rides it.

I wanted to have two shamans in my army, but I didn't like the idea of using the exact same model for both, so I re imagined the concept a little and made a shaman using the warchanter model for the base.

The original shaman looks like a weakling, but this one is no joke. He can beat his foes without spells if he wants to.

Serious face with Waaaaghpaint

The cape and the flames were sculpted from greenstuff. I would not attempt to sculpt faces yet, but both the flame and the cloth was easy to do. I'm not hundred percent satisfied how the vortex came out, but this model is just fun anyways.

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