Saturday, August 4, 2018

Skaven Clanrats again

I bought some second hand clanrats for really cheap some weeks ago, so I quickly rushed and finished another unit of 20. Now with a total of 60 finished clanrats it is possible to field all 3 required battlelines for 1000+ point games, and for a long time I do not wish to paint more clanrats. Now it is time to take a little break of painting and finally play some actual games.

The quality is not the best and I could definitely do better, but I just wanted to get over this project as quickly as possible. I have plans for some Age of Sigmar scenery, so that will be the next project.

I followed the scheme of the first 2 unit with the red armor, but now used more rust on the metals and weapons.

I spent less time with the skin, fur and tail this time, but the difference is not really noticeable. I'm planning to paint some more Skaven Heroes, and focus on quality when painting only 2-3 pieces. At least 2 more Wizards would be nice to be able to take advantage of the new edition and the Endless Spells. A Grey Seer and another Warlock Engineer, maybe a third one? This will be a couple of months from now.

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