Saturday, August 11, 2018

Baleful Realmgates for Age of Sigmar

So I had an idea, to build more scenery for Age of Sigmar. The official Baleful Realmgate models are not too expensive and they look good as general fantasy themed portals, but I wanted to make army specific ones. Orruk, Skaven and Tzeench daemon themed gates for the armies I have. (I plan to start a Tzeench daemon army next year or the year after that, so I can use it both in AoS and in 40k)

Orruk, Tzeench, Skaven realmgates
The above photo shows only the base drafts cut out from plasticard. These are only the shapes for now, I will work on to give them thickness, details, and some base next week.

The plan is not to make super high quality scenery here, just some simple recognizable stuff for each army. I'm looking forward to see how it will turn out.

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