Saturday, August 18, 2018

Baleful Realmgates Finished

Here are the finished realmgates and the photos before painting.
All three was built from ABS plasticard and foamboard. 

For the skaven gate I sculpted a very simple bell and added some plastic pipes and guitar string cables. I also carved in the runes of the 13 great clan with a pen to the foamboard.

The painting was also just a quick basecoating and some drybrushing with only a minimal detailwork on the runes. Waywatcher green glaze over white in the carved in recesses.
This next gate needed some teeth so I added them to be more orkish.

The idea was a simple tribal looking ork gate what I can finish fast and sturdy as well to toss it into my scenery box.

Drybrushing on the dark parts and Agrax + Seraphim Sepia wash over a light color and it's done. The basing here follows my other sceneries in theme, it is also a quick process.

Finally the Tzeench gate. I like how the top parts are not connected, who knows (and cares) how these gates work anyway. It is creepy as hell and it should be.

I really had fun with this, adding many eyes (steel balls) then using almost a full pot of liquid green stuff to give an organic texture to both sides.

Maybe because of the lights but I couldn't take a photo where the green eye is not just a green blob. In real it looks tzeenchy, it has a changing color which the photo cannot show unfortunately. The eyes are bright gold.

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