Saturday, July 28, 2018

Necromunda Skirmish Campaign

It took a long time, but we finally finished our first Necromunda campaign. My brother was playing the Goliaths and and defeated my Escher gang in a close match of 6 games.

The final moment of our campaign.
It was a long and slow learning experience for both of us. Learning the rules from zero, none of us played 40k or the original Necromunda before, but slowly we got used to it and every match was faster and more fun than the previous.

I didn't make a proper battle report series of this one, we were more focused on to get the rules right. But for the next campaign I have some plans to make a match highlight at least if not a proper battle report.

Overall we both enjoyed the games and we had some great moments to remember. 

For example when I placed my gang relic in a small 2 by 2 room closed beneath a door and guarded by one of my champions facing the door waiting for any intruder. Then my brother just placed a hidden passage, sneak 2 guys in the room behind my champion who failing her rolls didn't even noticed them. That game was a glorious victory for him. 

Or when some games earlier I also used a hidden passage to pump some toxic gas in the room the other side taking two of his gangers out of action.

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