Saturday, July 21, 2018

Warchanter with Squig - WIP 15 - FINISHED

It took me 15 weeks of work, but it is finally ready to present in it's finished glory.
I never thought in advance that this will take so long to finish. My first plan was about just over a month or so, but I way underestimated how time consuming the sculpting is and how little time hobby I had in the past weeks (months).
So here it is, my Warchanter with Squig:

I'm very proud of this project. Not only because it is a real unique piece (correct me but I didn't seen a similar thing on the web till now), but I think this was also a big quality step for me. Yes, it took a long time, but I didn't felt for a minute that it is boring to work on it and I went through on this without wandering into other minis.
Here are some more photos without comments.

Now, it is time to enjoy the other part of the hobby and WAAAGH! Crush the Skaven and destroy everything standing.

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