Saturday, June 9, 2018

Painting Warchanter with Squig - WIP 9

This week I focused on the Green skin. Most of the skin will be covered with the armor and the cape, so I only out work in the parts that will be actually visible. For this miniature I planned for a realistic style what was working somewhat till last week, but I couldn't resist to use vibrant green colors. I like my orks this way...

Also finished the face, with the teeth and eyes. The glow effect looks good both from close and farther away. I added a slight tint of purple in the eye sockets, nose and the gums around the teeth. The yellow-green-purple trio works well together, I used these same colors on my Maw Krusha rider as well.

I still find it hard to make smooth blends of colors in this small scale. The forehead may need some touches.
Watching these photos I noticed some tiny dots on the side of the face above the left ear. I will make these more visible and bigger, these beauty spots will also add some character to the mini.

So the back was completely ignored in this details work as you can see below. I even darkened it up if somehow it would be visible in the holes on the cape.

Again, here is my palette. The orange is the color of the armor remaining from last week.
As you can see there was a very little mixing in the greens, the effect is given with the two glazes I used: Waywatcher Green and Lamenters Yellow.

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