Saturday, June 2, 2018

Painting Warchanter with Squig - WIP 8

Not 100% satisfied this time. I worked on the orange armor, but something is just not right. I don't know what exactly but seeing it next to the blue parts, it's just not on the same level even tough the effort I put in was more.

I'm afraid if I add some weathering and make it dirty, it will look like it is just a weak rust effect, but I just trying to paint a realistic (kind of) orange armor piece what looks good on my Warchanter.

I tried to take into account the horns that will be glued on later, so on the middle piece the shadows look strange now, but after everything will be in it's place it will be just fine.

So this is a closer look on one of the orange armor piece. There will be even a skull glued on it, so also if I add weathering, scratches, dirt anything wouldn't it be just too much? I think I will put this piece away for last, and see how it looks next to the other painted parts and find out what to do with this then.

I tried using some very dark browns, to shade the armor, but what worked for the blue piece - going from black to very light blue - didn't work for the orange.

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