Saturday, May 26, 2018

Painting Warchanter with Squig - WIP 7

Finally the time has come to paint the model. I'm starting with one of the most interesting piece, the cape what I kitbashed from the Maw Krusha kit. I'm working on this piece finishing color after color. Started with the brown cape, then move on to the blue then to the metal parts.

The blue parts came out quite nice and I'm also very satisfied with the steel parts. It's not really visible on the photo, but the steel TMM* effect looks great and complements the blue NMM**.

I struggled a little with the brown leather to get a nice warm color with a worn effect on it. I'm thinking about adding burn marks as well, but I should test the effect on something else first before I ruin this piece with something I never tried before.

My plan is to use mostly warm colors on the miniature. Even the greenskin is planned to be a yellowish pale green. To contrast this the I paint some parts of the armor blue, and also the base will be blueish steel and grey color.

these are the colors I used on my wet palette
On the leather I also used many washes like, Agrax Earthshade, Seraphim Sepia, Bloodletter and Lamenters Yellow. So in total 8 colors was used only on the leather and darkened some parts with Abaddon Black so it is 9 actually.

* True Metallic Metal
** Non Metallic Metal

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