Saturday, May 19, 2018

Warchanter with Squig - WIP 6

Working further on this piece, I assembled the rough composition on a 50mm round base. It is a bit larger than the original 32mm base but still will be playable.

The idea is that the the Warchanter's pet Squig carry the drums so the beat shall never stop.

There was a small empty place on the base, I put a pile of skulls there so the base is more balanced now without being crowded with too much detail.

The cape is the headpiece left over from the Maw Krusha kit

Tha base is following the theme of my Ironjawz army, but this time the spikes are smaller, as this time I'm aiming for a less cartoony effect.

I also glued on some smaller rocks and the spikes are not only at the sides, but evenly spread across the whole base.

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