Thursday, January 25, 2018

AoS Battleplan - Being Chased

The second Battleplan in my skirmish campaign is the Being Chased scenario.
The Warband carrying the Map is being chased to a place what is difficult for them to move on, but their pursuer can easily overcome. Either because they are physically stronger, tougher, more agile or just smarter. For example a skaven warband may move easily in swamp where an armored Ironjawz Warband is moving slower, but the bigger and stronger Orruks can climb a rocky field more easily. Write your own narratives.
The Battleplan is similar to the original Fragile Cargo skirmish scenario but this time not only one model, but 50% of the army must leave the board to succeed. To achieve is good positioning, some sacrifice and luck is needed as well.

This Battleplan is already uploaded to this document
You can also read the prelude in the previous post.

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