Thursday, October 5, 2017

Anniversary Gift

For some time now, I prefer to give hand made gifts when I have a good idea and inspiration. Our wedding anniversary was a very good reason and possibility to try something new.

I wanted to sculpt a cute pair of figures representing us.
After a couple of sketches I came up with the idea of Me holding up Her catching It.

2017 Wedding Anniversary
I already had some experience with Milliput and Greenstuff (using them for smaller projects), but these could not be used this time as I needed something with slow hardening time, because I had to keep this in secret and made it in a couple of months time outside of home.

Pet Chameleon
I bought a box of Sculpty baking clay for this purpose, and I can say I am very satisfied with this product and will definitely work with it in the future. I already have some big plans, but need some smaller practice rounds before those.

Snail shell shield
I made a wire armature following the sketch plans. The sketch was 1:1 so it was easy to measure it by holding it over the paper. Started to sculpt in the afternoons at my workplace and finished it at my parents place, baking and painting it there.

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