Saturday, March 9, 2019

Orruk Warboss on Squig with Great Waaagh! Banner - Work in Progress 2

I'm slowly shaping the squig body. Starting with only basic shapes first, all details will be added in a later stage. The rider legs are still only held together with the Blue Tac because the squig size will change a bit as I add more details. I fit the rider on time to time to see if sizes are still matching and Okay.

I always burn these putties in the oven a bit. But till now I didn't notice any negative effect because of this. I'm trying to pay more attention to the baking time...

This is only the rough shape of the lower jav. I still don't know how will I solve the 'teeth issue'. The Warchanter's squig have sculpted and toothpick teeth as well, but I'm planning a closed mouth for this, so I'm looking forward to some trial and error till I find out how can I make this one look good. And Smile!

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