Saturday, January 19, 2019

Skaven Hell Pit Abomiantion - WIP1

This week I started to work on the Skaven Hell Pit Abomination model which I bought with another 20 clanrats for a crazy cheap cost. I'm delaying painting another 20 clanrats, I wanted to paint this fat boy first.

Gluing it together I had hard time to do it without huge gaps at some places, so plentiful application of greenstuff was needed to fill the holes. Hopefully it will not be noticeable after painting.

I reading the TGA forums and was watching some other places as well, but couldn't find a lot of competitive army lists where this monster is included. I don't really understand why, in my opinion it is not that expensive, but quite a force to deal with. It can hit hard, regenerate and resurrect. If it will be finished, I'm planning to auto include it in my lists. Let's keep working on it!

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