Saturday, January 12, 2019

Necromunda 2nd campaign Game 3

The Necromunda Underhive campaign between the Doomsday Dogs and the Neon Nuns slowly goes on. I borrowed a campaign idea (Julio and Romiette) from Yaktribe and implemented it with slight modifications. We really enjoyed it it was great fun to spice up the fight with a love story.

I managed to down 2 Goliaths on turn 1, but lost a champion on the other side of the map. I deployed her too far away alone, and she got outnumbered. At least she held up some guys allowing me to get closer to the objective, to destroy the enemy Gang Relic.

the moment when the two lovers met
I was so close to destroy the objective, but I didn't pay attention to the order how I activated my fighters and I screw up. This meant my defeat this game.

I'm already at the relic but could not destroy it :(

Harley Thin sniping from cover, and defending my Gang Relic

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