Saturday, December 22, 2018

Endless Spells - Chronomantic Cogs + Quicksilver Swords finished

Ready to wreak havoc on the Mortal Realms my first Endless Spells are finished.

I have to say both are looking way much better than my original plan was. I just wanted some cheap and quick kitbashed models, because I don't want to buy the full Malign Sorcery box. But these look actually cool. I'm looking forward to use them.


  1. Really great idea!!! Love it painted.
    I would even have tried to place a couple of cogs on the backside

    1. Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it! I had only this many cogs when I made this. But yes, there is a lot of room for additional cogs. One or two smaller cogs at the backside would have helped to make this a little bit better. My prioritiy was to finish these fast and cheap.
