Saturday, October 6, 2018

Ironjawz Gore Gruntas - second unit

I'm going to a local club to play once in a month now for the last 3 months, so to be able to field a competitive army I'm working on a second unit of Gore Gruntas. Slowly I'm finishing all my unpainted Orruks. For now I only have one leftover Wierdnob Shaman still in pieces, so good enough.

I remembered from last time, that the ear pieces are quite hard to push in their place and it took me some time and hurting fingertips to do it for the first unit. Again for one Grunta it just didn't fit in it's place. So I decided to just cut it in half as shown below:

The cut will be barely visible after painting, and in this way it was easy to put everything together. Next I'm going to remove the mould lines and fill the gaps of course.
Here the work in progress of the base. Just glued some cork to the plastic base with PVA. After this will follow the model mud and the spikes.

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