Sunday, February 25, 2018

Maw Krusha drawer base

I wanted to build my Maw Krusha with magnetised hands so all weapon options can be chosen for games. Because the base is so big I came up with the idea of hiding the currently not used weapons in the base inside a little dwarer.

This is how I built it:

I made the drawer from 2mm plasticard.
2x 2mm round magnet was glued to the back, this holds it in it's place.
The four little colums slides on the top and doesn't let the drawer wobble inside the base.

Another 2 magnets inside the base.
The back side of the base is reinforced, so the magnets don't tear it apart.
Top view, basing materials will fill the gaps later.
The drawer is in it's place, ready to hide the wapon opions.
2x 2mm round magets holds everything in place.
All weapons has it's own place.
The hight was measured so the axes can just fit in.
Slides in smoothly and the magnets 'click' and hold it securely.
You can barely notice it if you don't know what to look for.

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