Saturday, February 16, 2019


The new Skaven battletome release brings a lot of new rules, artifacts to the army. I'm still checking all of this new info, and trying to find out what army can I put together with my given models.
What I like the most, is that with the new Moulder allegiance ability the Rat Ogors will be even more tankier. A full unit of 8 of them will be a must have in my armies.

What I don't like is the weapon options taken away from some units. (Spire of Dawn / Island of Blood set units). They left out the Deathrunner and Mortar Weapon Teams from the Skaventide keywords. I had plans using both, but now they will be most likely not used again.

What I'm also sad about is that the battleline requirements for mixed clans remain the Clanrats. I was expecting a little more flexibility in this. I can field 40+20+20 Clanrats as battleline, adding a Clawlord for efficiency means 540 points and 1 leader slot is set in stone before adding what I like to.

Hell Pit Abomination is 220 + 8x Rat Ogors for 400 = 680 point. 1 or 2 Master Moulders is 100-200 points more. At this point I'm at 1320-1420 point, without spells or shooting.

Fielding my 3 Stormfiends is 260 points, Warlock Engineer or Arch Warlock is 100-160 points.
It is total about 1840 points, leaving me 160 points to add more Leaders (I want to field 1 Grey Seer as well), Endless Spells, Weapon Teams, etc.

I don't know how effective this army composition will be, but that is what I have. Looking forward to trying it with the new rules soon.

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