Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ironjawz Gore Gruntas - WIP 3

I finished the second unit of Gore Gruntas faster and in better quality than the first. My painting speed increased a lot in one year.

The color scheme is the opposite of the first unit. That is with dark pigs and orange armor, this is white pigs with dark blue armor. I did not want to change the army scheme but painting the pigs in different colors does not break the look of the army and it even looks better. If I ever paint another unit that will be a different color again.

The big dark side armor had a large flat area, where I could paint a large clan symbol the Flaming Moon. The symbol is on every shoulder pads on the Brutes and Gruntas, but only in a smaller scale and less detailed.

I was postponing this unit for long. But with point cost changes in the General's Hangbook 2018 and now playing 2000 point games, I need these to be able to deploy different army compositions and there are a lot of Battleplans where speed is the key.

Not to mention how strong are they. Once I charged with 3 of these to about 60 Freeguild archers (2units) and made them busy for 3 Turns, even better that I almost killed all of them with the help of the dice gods! WAAAGH!!!

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