Saturday, January 13, 2018

Griffon Body Finished

The painting contest is tomorrow and here is the painted and assembled High Warden. I'm looking forward to the event and hoping to learn a lot from the other entrants.

Painting is finished, almost ready to glue on the base
I'm thinking that I fell overboard with my entry pieces. I'm going to bring 3 pieces, two of which will enter in the same category. For the next contest I will have more time to prepare and find out what I will paint to enter with.

The left side of the helmet, cape and the tiger body was painted with lighter colors 
Not only on the rider, but on the griffon as well, I wanted to paint the left side darker to represent the difference between the shadowy side and the one what gets the sunlight. 

The color difference of the two sides is not so visible on the picture but actually it is quite significant 
Now I need to find a big enough box to carry these to the event tomorrow. Nothing should get damaged or break.

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