Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blood Ravens Captain

Last week I missed my weekly post, but here are the high res photos of the finished Blood Raven captain. 

I need to improve on the weathering, the dirt on the cape could be better. I like the armor however, both the red parts and the gold details.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blood Ravens Captain - Work in Progress 2

The gold parts were quite a lot of work for me. I'm not very experienced in NMM effects, but I like the final result.

The reflections on the black knee armor look a bit silly, but I couldn't figure out how could it look better. Leaving the red spot out didn't help, I tried to put it there, remove it and put it back, finally, I decided to leave it as it is now.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Blood Ravens Captain - Work in Progress 1

This piece was painted for a local painting competition last year, but I didn't upload the photos and work in progress till now.
I took 2 photos of the cape with le light base color and used these as a reference to know where to place the shadows later.

I decided to paint a Blood Raven again. I'm not planning to build a whole army of them, but who knows, if I'm not mixing the chapters eventually maybe I have at least a handful of them to play Kill Team.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Necromunda 2nd campaing Game 7

The highlight moment of the latest home campaign was the gunline massacre of the Goliath vs Eschers. Our two player mini-campaign progress is quite slow, but the club games make up for it currently.

Our most epic shooting happened in the recent match. I failed all my shots with my Escher Gang but the Goliaths managed to pin or seriously injure all but my chem-thrower ganger. I was hoping for successful Gas revenge, but the Goliaths breathed in all of it and laughed in her face before their charge.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Skaven Gnawhole

My Skaven Gnawholes are painted and ready for battle. There nothing really interesting in the paint job, but I wanted to share what I came up with for storing and transporting them.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Goliath Choppers

Using the parts of some ork bikes, I made this easy kitbash of Goliath chopper riders. The legs and arms had to be cut off and filling the gaps with green stuff, it was an easy and quick job.

I attached magnetized sheets to the rear, so they can be used as transport as well. I can't wait till we can try out them in a Necromunda match.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sump Kroc

I painted this Sump Kroc for the Goliath Necromunda gang. 

This was a quick project, I don't particularly like it, it is quite an ugly model. I was thinking about to using a Kroc from Malifux instead, but I could get my hand on one of this for cheap, and I'm not even sure if this will make play very often so it will be just fine.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Necromunda Genestealer Cult - Arms from the Deep

I started a new gang for the Necromunda campaign I'm playing in. I'm looking forward to my first game with them and hope I can play them in a different style than my Escher gang.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Warscroll Cards - Skaven update

I am quite late with this, but his weekend I fiunally updated my Skaven warscoll cards according to the new book. The list is not complete, it includes the models I play with, but on a request I can add the missing ones.

You can download the cars from this link.

It is created with this free Warscroll card template.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Necromunda 2nd campaign Game 6

The final battle of our second campaign. The first and second turn was just positioning and moving around the sewers without much shooting and casulatities.

Then on the 4th turn a space marine patrol arrived for unknown reason.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Necromunda 2nd campaign Game 5

This one was good! We played in an open area filled with some neutral mutant rat people. They started to run in random directions after the first shot was fired. Some of them took bullets instead of our gangers, poor mutants...

Once the area was cleared of muties, the fight become a close combat massacre. We had many injuries after this one. Good Game!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Orruk Warboss on Squig with Great Waaagh! Banner - WIP 13 - FINISHED

The banner boss is finished and assembled. This was again a very long process. (Or am I just too slow?) But I enjoyed it nevertheless. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but I'm statisfied with it overall. The banner is way better than originally planned.